2018 Digital Sociology Mini-Conference #DigSoc2018
2018 Digital Sociology Mini-Conference #DigSoc2018
@ The Eastern Sociological Society (ESS)
February 22-25, 2018
Hyatt Regency Baltimore
The 2018 Digital Sociology Mini-Conference is co-organized by Jessie Daniels, PhD (Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY), Leslie Jones (PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania), and Rachel Durso, PhD (Washington College).
LET’S GET SOCIAL. Follow us on Twitter @DigitalSocConf for details about this year’s opportunities to meet and mingle with digital sociologists in Baltimore!
MAKE YOUR WORK AVAILABLE. As part of the mini-conference, we encourage all participants to post their papers ahead of the conference to an open repository. There are lots of these, so many in fact, there is a directory, OpenDOAR, where you can find thousands of them. Your institution may have one, such as CUNY’s Academic Works. Or, there are discipline-specific ones, like the SOCARXIV. (And, of course there are those commercial platforms that are mining all of our data for their own profits.) But it doesn’t matter which you choose, you only need one place to post your work to make it easily findable on the web.
Making your work available on the web through a repository is good academic practice because it helps you establish yourself as an expert in your area and it gets you work out to a broader range of peer reviewers and readers. You can also post your slides on our collective SlideShare account.
When you post your work online, just email us or post it to Twitter using the hashtag #DigSoc2018, and we’ll add a link to the program page.