Mini-Conference Program 2016
Thursday, March 17, 12:00 PM–1:30 PM, PANEL: Digital Scholars, Legacy Institutions
Session #2, Room: Beacon Hill, 4th Floor
Dana Beth Weinberg (@DBWeinberg), CUNY Queens College
“Is It Harder to Publish Academic Books in the Digital Age?”
Dina Pinsky, Arcadia University
“Digital Ethnography and the IRB: Regulatory Limitations Confront Changing Technological Affordances”
Polly Thistlethwaite (@MissReadings), The Graduate Center, CUNY
“MediaCamp: Communications for Public Scholarship”
Thursday, 1:45 PM–3:15 PM, PANEL: Digital Sociology & Qualitative Methods
#Session 21, Room: Beacon Hill, 4th Floor
Gina Marie Longo, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Ethnography in the Virtual World: Methodological Opportunities and Challenges”
Mary Chayko (@MaryChayko), Rutgers University
“Reimagining the Interview: Adapting Qualitative Methods to the Digital Realm”
Elizabeth Hansen, Harvard University; Chris W. Anderson (@chanders), CUNY
“’Nosing Around’ in an Age of Screenwork: Reflections on Ethnography from Media Sociology and Organizational Sociology”
Thursday, 3:30 PM–5:00 PM, PANEL: Digital Sociological Tools & Ways of Knowing
#Session 39, Room: Beacon Hill, 4th Floor
Andrew Beveridge (@SocialExplorer), Queens College and The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Development of Social Explorer: A Digital and Visual Tool to Understand Social Trends”
William Michael Johnson (@proxmap), College of Staten Island, CUNY
“Micro-scale Ecometrics: Digital Imaging of Social Interaction”
Pertti Ahonen (@PerttiAhonen), University of Helsinki, Finland
“Negotiating the Analog Mainstream with Digital Methods in Hand: Visions from the Examination of Party Programs and Government Political Programs”
Chiara Carrozza (@myfirstSN), University of Coimbra, Portugal
Andrea Gaspar, University of Coimbra, Portugal
“Performing Digital Ways of Knowing: Epistemic Walks with Methods-as-Prototypes”
Friday, 8:30 AM–10:00 AM ROUNDTABLE: Digital Sociology: Medley of Topics
#Session 62, Georgian Room – Table 1
Aine F. Lorie, Kaplan University
“Digital Empathy and it’s Impact on Professional and Personal Spheres”
Katie Kirakosian, Kaplan University
“The ‘cyber gaze’: On Surveillance and Academia”
William Johnson (@proxmap), CCNY/CUNY
“Micro-scale Ecometrics: Digital Imaging of Social Interaction”
Rod Carveth, Morgan State University
“Examining the Digital Divides through the Lenses of Social Construction of Technology, Knowledge Gap, and Social Identity Construction Theories”
Michael Gene Lenmark, SUNY at Stony Brook
“Masculinity and the Sexual Assault of Men: A Content Analysis of Web-Based Resources for Survivors”
Friday, 8:30 AM–10:00 AM, ROUNDTABLE: Digital Pedagogies, Digital Sociology
#Session 64, Georgian Room – Table 2
Scott Renshaw, Rhode Island College
“Comparing Digital and Non-Digital Information Literacy of First Year Students At Rhode Island College: A Pilot Study”
Brian Lowe and James B. Green, SUNY, Oneonta
“Mapping the (Digital) Moral Domain: Using Mined Twitter data in investigating the Sociology of Morality with Undergraduates”
Friday, 8:30 AM–10:00 AM, ROUNDTABLE: Digital Recognition
#Session 63, Georgian Room – Table 3
Matthew Perks, Concordia University
“‘I can’t eat that, I only have 3 points left today’: Examining the Gamification of Big Data”
Adrienne Keene, Brown University
“Johnny Depp, Tonto, and ‘authenticity’ of Native”
Dina Pinsky, Arcadia University
“‘Slide Into Your DM With Heart Eyes’: Teenagers Flirting Online”
Friday, March 18, 8:30 AM–10:00 AM, ROUNDTABLE: Identity, Community & Networks
#Session 61, Georgian Room – Table 4
Aleksandr V. Shchekoturov, Lobachevsky State University
“Online Gender Blurring: Identity Exploration among Russian Adolescents on ‘Vkontakte’”
Christian Hernandez Perez, Metropolitan Autonomous University, Campus Azcapotzalco
“How to use a ‘fake’ digital identity to analyze informal communication among social scientists on Twitter. The Pierre @bourdieu effect”
Paulina Toro Isasza, Hunter College, CUNY
“’Choose Your Character!’: Five Ideal Types to Help Understand the Relationship between Avatar Choice and Player Identity in Video Games”
Ulrike Bialas, Princeton University
“’YouTube’s, Beauty Gurus’” – How an Online Consumptive Community blurs the line between Consumption and Production”
Friday, 10:15 AM–11:45 AM PANEL: Critical Theories of the Digital for Sociology
#Session 88, Beacon Hill
Piergiorgio Degli Esposti (@piergiorgio), University of Bologna, Italy
“Will the Prosumer Survive in Digital Society, or Is It/Was It Just an Utopia”
David M Kutzik, Drexel University; Douglas Porpora, Drexel University
“The Digital Resurgence of Marxism”
Jeffrey A. Johnson (@the_other_jeff), Utah Valley University
“A Justice-Centered Approach to Privacy”
Siamak Movahedi, University of Mass – Boston
“Mind, Body, and the Social Construction of Virtual World”
Friday, 12:00 PM–1:30 PM, PANEL: Digital Structures, Digital Institutions
#Session 121, Beacon Hill
Gregory T. Donovan (@gdonovan), Fordham University
“Playing with Property: Young People and the Right to the ‘Smart’ City”
Bailey Brown, Columbia University
“Home-field Disadvantage: How Low-Income Families Choose Neighborhoods and Schools”
Beth Kelly, Deloitte
“Digital Workplace and Culture: How Digital Technologies and People are Changing the Workforce”
Friday, 1:45 PM–3:15 PM, PANEL: Gender, Work and the Digital
#Session 153, Beacon Hill
Hiroshi Ono, Hitotsubashi University, Japan; Madeline Zavodny, Agnes Scott College
“Gender and the Internet, Revisited”
Firuzeh Shokooh Valle (@firuzehsv), Northeastern University
“Dreaming the Future: Gender, Development, and the Politics of Technology”
Saturday, March 19, 8:30 AM–10:00 AM, PANEL: Digital Feminism: The Pros and Cons of Using Social Media to Advance Social Change**
#Session 207, Franklin Room
Eileen Mary Holowka, Concordia University
“Activism through Testimony: Narratives of Sexual Trauma in the Digital Age”
Kari Waters, Syracuse University
“Reporting Rape and Social Media: Demands for Change”
Kari Waters, Syracuse University
“Communities Creating Action: Online Mormon Feminism in Facebook Groups and Blogs”
Nancy Ross, Dixie State University
“Snappy Critique and Educational Insight: Twitter and Podcasting in Mormon Feminist Communication”
**This panel co-organized with the Social/Political Change via Social Media Mini-Conference
Saturday, 10:15 AM–11:45 AM, PANEL: Social Media Approaches to Racial/Ethnic Activism and Social Bonding**
#Session 235, Franklin Room
Inbal Mazar, Drake University
“Fiesta Maya on Facebook: Iq’ Balam’s Use of Social Media”
Stephen Barnard, St. Lawrence University
“Tweeting #Ferguson: Mediatized Fields and the New Activist Journalist”
Geisa Mattos, The Graduate Center, CUNY and Federal University of Ceara, Brazil
Joao Miguel Lima, Federal University of Ceara, Brazil
“The Impacts of Cell Phone Cameras in the Activism Against ‘Police Brutality’ and Racism in the United States and Brazil”
Melissa Brown, Rashawn Ray, Edward Summers, and Neil Fraistat, University of Maryland – College Park
“#BlackLivesMatter: The Evolution of Social Media Identity”
**This panel co-organized with the Social/Political Change via Social Media Mini-Conference
Saturday, 12:00 PM–1:30 PM, PANEL: Online Grassroots Activism, Hashtag activists, and Citizen’s Digital Literacy**
#Session 265, Franklin Room
Femke Mulder, VU University of Amsterdam
“Nobody Has Come to Help Us Yet: Giving Voice and Visibility to Marginalized Communities During a Humanitarian Disaster”
Full Text Paper
Eunkyung Song, Rutgers University
“Anonymity and Ordinary Citizens in the 2008 Candlelight Protests in Korea.”
Jun Liu, University of Copenhagen
“From ‘Moments of Madness’ to ‘the Politics of Mundanity’: Researching Digital Media and Contentious Collective Actions in China.”
Andrew MacLean, Concordia University
“The Promise of Web 2.0: An Ethnographic Approach to the Values of Reddit”
Matthew Hartwell, SUNY Oneonta; Brian Lowe, SUNY College at Oneonta
“Contextual Analysis of Hashtag Activism for the Purpose of Identifying Ideal Types”
**This panel co-organized with the Social/Political Change via Social Media Mini-Conference
Saturday, March 19, 1:45 PM–3:15 PM, PANEL: Digital Approaches to Activism: Theoretical, Narrative and Structural Perspectives**
#Session 294, Franklin Room
Julie Wiest (@jbwiest), West Chester University of Pennsylvania
“New Media Mobilization: Theorizing Social Change in a Digital Age”
Elizabeth Schwarz, University of California at Riverside
“Using ‘Fairy Dust’ to Help Them Fly: The Strategic Use of Photography in the Conservation Movement”
Jessica Percy-Campbell, Concordia University
“Government and Corporate Policy in the Post-Snowden Era”
Brian Lowe, SUNY College at Oneonta
“Mediated Spectacles, Social Media, and Social Change: Do Mediated Spectacles Encourage Political Change?”
**This panel co-organized with the Social/Political Change via Social Media Mini-Conference
Saturday, 3:30 PM–5:00 PM PANEL: Public Scholarship, Digital Media and the Neoliberal University
#Session 318, Franklin Room
Patricia Matthew, Montclair State University
“’Between Starshine and Clay’ On Publishing and the Promises and Perils of Social Media”
Michelle Fine, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Neoliberal Blues and the Public University: Public Intellectuals as the Object of Desire and Betrayal”
Tressie M. Cottom, Virginia Commonwealth University
“Writing in Public, Taking the Heat: (Micro)Celebrity and the Tenure Track”
Jessie Daniels, Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Being a Scholar Now: Digital Ways of Knowing, Neoliberal Logics”